Instructions for Adding Events to the Krewe Calendar

Adding events to the Krewe Calendar is fairly simple and straight-forward. Just follow these simple instructions and you should have no problems. If you do experience difficulties, do not hesitate to contact the Webmaster

Note: Items with a red dot beside them are mandatory. 

  1. TITLE:This is the title of the event such as Krewe Meeting, Krewe Parade, etc.
  2. DESCRIPTION:This is the section below the title. You have as much room as you need to describe the event. 
  3. START DATE:Clicking in the box will bring-up a calendar you can use to pick the date of the event. 
  4. START TIME:Use the drop-downs to pick the time the event starts. Note: times are in a 24-hour format. 
  5. END DATE:Like the start date, use the date picker to choose the end date. If this is a single-day event, the start date and end date should be the same. Please choose an end date otherwise the event will repeat. 
  6. END TIME:Use the drop-downs to pick the time the event ends, or don’t. An end-time is not required. Note: times are in a 24-hour format. 
  7. If this is an ALL DAYevent, click the check box and start/end times will not be needed. 
  8. NOTES ON TIME:If you have any comments about the times, place them here. 
  9. REPEATING EVENT:Please try to avoid using this. If this is a repeating event, let the Webmaster know in the NOTE TO REVIEWER at the bottom of the page. 
  10. EVENT LOCATION:Use the drop-down to choose the event location. If it is not listed, choose the INSERT A NEW LOCATION selection, then complete the remainder of the fields.
  11. LOCATION NAME:Give the new location a name – Buddy’s House, Finnegan’s Wake, etc.
  12. ADDRESS:Begin typing in the address of the location – you should see a list of addresses appear – choose the appropriate address. The Lat/Long of the address will auto-populate. (Note: if the address does not auto-populate, enter the address in the format of number, street, city, state, zip).
  13. LOCATION WEBSITE:If the location has a website, enter it here. 
  14. LOCATION IMAGE:You may choose to upload an image here. If not, that is okay. 
  15. EVENT ORGANIZER:Use the drop-down to choose the contact person for the event. If they are not listed, choose INSERT A NEW ORGANIZER and complete the fields that appear. If you so desire, you may upload a photo of the organizer. 
  16. NOTE TO REVIEWER:Any pertinent comments, additional information, etc that you need the Webmaster to know, you can put that information here. 
  17. EVENT LINK:If the event has a website associated with it, you can put it here. 
  18. SUBMIT:Once all of the information is entered, click submit. The Webmaster will receive an e-mail notification of the event. If there are any questions, he will notify you. 
When you go back to the EVENTS LIST, you will see your event listed in orange – once it is approved and published, it will appear in the Krewe Calendar and it will turn green on the EVENTS LIST.